Thursday, June 7, 2012

Berry Cobbler

The Farmer’s Market is a dangerous place for someone like me.

I’m like a 6 year old in that bright colors just make me happy, and then I want to take them all home. So, when I saw these blackberries at the Farmer’s Market last weekend I had to have them even though I did not have a CLUE what to do with them.

Aren’t they pretty? 

Anyway, making a cobbler was suggested and I obliged mostly because it makes me think of my grandmother on my dad’s side who used to make FAMOUS cobblers that, I can promise, are nowhere near as amazing as this one. I also remember she made a fantastic cup of tea, but I digress.

Here’s what you need (from The Pioneer Woman)…

½ stick of butter, melted
1 cup of sugar (plus a little more for the top)
1 cup of flour
1 cup of whole milk
2 cups of fresh (or frozen, but I would aim for fresh) blackberries**

I honestly don’t know how many blackberries I used. I just used all the ones in the giant carton the lady at the Farmer’s Market gave me, but according to the recipe, 2 cups is the way to go.

Feel free to substitute blackberries with your favorite berry - strawberries, blueberries, etc. would all work in this. Peaches probably would, too.

Here’s what you do…

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Rinse your berries if you are using fresh ones.
2. Melt your butter and mix it with your milk. In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients (flour and sugar). 
3. Pour butter/milk into the flour/sugar and mix well.
4. Put your clean blackberries in the bottom of a baking dish.

5. Pour the mixture over top and spread evenly over the blackberries. Sprinkle a little sugar on top.

6. Bake for 1 hour, or until the top is brown and the berries are bubbling on the side.

7. Enjoy!

I DARE you not to have this with a side of vanilla ice cream. It's the perfect summer dessert. 



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