Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Random Thought Tuesday and Life Lately

HI FRIENDS!!! Things have been so crazy, but I have some random thoughts and random life updates.

1. We are LAWYERS!!!!!!! Justin and I were both sworn into the Maryland bar last week and DAMN does it feel good. And so surreal. You work toward this goal for SO long and then you reach it…and that's it. So crazy. 

2. Does the Kmart commercial with the pregnant ladies suggestively dancing for Joe Boxer make anyone else uncomfortable? Nothing against pregnant ladies, but…what is that commercial trying to say?! Please tell me I'm not alone.

3. I often get ideas in my head and can't let them go until I actually do them. Example: I want to make my own cocktail bitters. I will not let this go until I try to make cocktail bitters. It will likely end poorly.

4. Another example? Marshmallows. I made my own marshmallows. I thought they would be this fabulous treat I could give everyone at Christmas. Instead, it looked like Perry pooped on some snowballs. Huge fail. This is what I was going for. 

5. Perry (cat) has been particularly strange lately. About a month ago, Justin came back from his dad's with a box (full of wine we ordered. I know, you're shocked). The box had been in the basement where  Justin's dad's feral cat (Charlie) lives. When Justin brought the box in, Perry, went NUTS. He made that crazy cat howl and completely flipped out. We got rid of the box and cleaned the entire house, but he still didn't come out for over 8 hours. WHAT?! Is he so dumb that he doesn't realize a box is not a cat? We call it the box cat incident. Perry is broken.

6. Perry is also really fat. Piper is not impressed.

7. Is anyone LinkedIn savvy? I understand LinkedIn, and I feel like I should use it, but it feels like a (slightly) more professional version of Facebook. But I don't treat it like Facebook? I feel old.

8. OMG the Entourage trailer. I have watched this an embarrassing number of times. OBSESSED (Eric is the best, hands down. Though I sometimes think about Drama and just smile).

9. As you all know, I love Trader Joe's. Whenever we go, I check the online flyer to find products I might want to purchase. I got SUPER excited about that salted caramel gelato…and it's pretty awful. I plan to force my brother to eat it when he's here this week (get excited Cal).

10. I wish I was crafty. I go on Pinterest (I have a love/hate relationship with it) and see these projects and want to do them, but never do. This year, I bought ribbon with the thought that I would make my own bows for all the gifts we wrapped. It did not go well. Let's just say it ended with a large glass of wine.

11. This city is magical. I took this a few weeks ago on my way to class, and despite the scaffolding, it blows my mind that I walk by the Capitol every day. I LOVE this city. Annnnd I get to stay here for longer than anticipated!!!

Which brings me to my final update. I GOT A JOB!!! Woo hoo! It's been all over Facebook because I'm way too excited (I keep asking Justin if I'm being too annoying about it, so I apologize if I have been annoying). I will be clerking for a judge on the US Tax Court come January. AND finishing the LL.M. in Tax program at Georgetown…full time. It's a lot, but it's only for a semester.

That being said, I will probably abandon the blog for awhile. Justin is taking on most of the duties (he's calling himself the house husband), so I won't get to cook nearly as often. I'm so bummed, but I plan to come back to this one day.

THANK YOU for all your support. Seriously, I get the most amazing words of kindness from this blog and it's just incredible. I know not many people read it, but it makes me happy. And comments and thoughts and replies to the questions I'm asking in my head just make me even more happy. It's nice to know I'm not completely insane.

Love you all. Happy Holidays and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I'll see you in 2015 :)