Friday, May 15, 2015

Random Thought Friday

Oh, HI!

You may remember me. I used to blog occasionally. Mostly about nonsense, sometimes about recipes. And then I fell off the grid.


After what I affectionately call "the Semester from Hell," I am (mostly) functional and back to normal(ish). I worked 32 hours per week (and then 20 for the last few weeks) while finishing the LL.M. in Tax program (full time) at Georgetown. BUT IT'S OVER!!!!! Well, my job isn't over because I've started working full time (YAY!), but school is over FOR.EV.ER (Sandlot style - please tell me you get this reference).

(Are you sick of all my parentheses yet? No?)

I've had many thoughts over the past few months, so now it's time to share. It will come as no shock to you that most of these photos are of (1) food or (2) my animals.

1. Let's start with food. These are the greatest tacos EVER. Shrimp seasoned with ancho chile powder, salt, and pepper and then sautéed until cooked through. Throw them on a corn tortilla topped with avocado, tomato, onion, cilantro, and queso fresco, which I have recently discovered and become obsessed with. A little drizzle of sour cream mixed with some lime juice and ancho chile powder pulls it all together. AMAZING. I would write a whole post dedicated to this recipe, but considering this is the only picture I took before wolfing down FOUR freaking tacos…it just wasn't feasible.

2. My food truck obsession is out of control. I saw this one on my walk to work the other day and took a picture so I wouldn't forget to track it down one day. What is wrong with me?!

3. T.V. has been one of the greatest ways to zone our this semester when I had a few minutes to actually zone out. I flew through "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" - hilarious. My grandma thought it contained subliminal messages. Of what, I'm not sure. The Blacklist has also been rocking my socks off lately.

4. Speaking of my grandma, is she not the cutest?! We took her to see the cherry blossoms around the Capitol when they were in bloom. Side note: I learned this spring that cherry blossoms are celebrities in this city. People FLOCK to come see…flowering trees. They are gorgeous, but WOW. Some of these tourists were intense. They're trees, people! No need to push others down.

5. I was insanely concerned about gaining weight this semester because I had very little time to exercise, so I ate INSANELY healthy this semester…aside from the gummy bear addiction I developed. Georgetown's cafeteria has the BEST gummy bears I've ever tasted. And I'm a connoisseur, so I would know. PS: I just learned how to spell connoisseur.

6. I know I'm SUPER late to this party, but I recently discovered podcasts. My good friend Gina's brother Mark is on several podcasts, and when he was in D.C. a few weeks ago got us tickets to see this podcast he was live performing in called Welcome to Night Vale. I had never heard of this (as I had never listened to a podcast ever), so I figured it would be a cute little show. Um, no. LOOK AT ALL THOSE PEOPLE!!! It blew my mind, so I started listening to podcasts. I've been listening to Mark's, which is called "We Got This" (hilarious)…and I've become obsessed with "Serial." I know. I'm like a year late. DON'T SPOIL IT FOR ME.

7. It looks like I'm choking her, but Piper is actually growling at Justin in this picture because he attempted to take her away from me. Since I was gone a lot this semester, Piper has become more clingy when I'm home (yes, more clingy).

8. If this doesn't scream SUMMER, I don't know what does. Love love.

9. It's always funny to me when people say that animals don't have emotions. One look at his face and I feel quite certain he feels things. I think he's telling me to eff off in that picture. What do you think?

10. This is my adorable and amazing hubs relaxing on the roof with some friends BECAUSE WE CAN DO THAT NOW! He has been my rock through this awful semester, and I would not have made it without him. But now we're FREEEEEE!!!! Freedom tastes SO good. On the weekends it tastes a bit like vodka :)

And that's it! What's new with you?! What have I missed out on in the last four months?! (Do you want me to stop using so many parentheses?!)