Thursday, June 28, 2012

BBQ Chicken

This is such a great recipe for the 4th of July coming up. ESPECIALLY if you are cooking for a large group of people. 

I actually lessened the original recipe by half, and we STILL had a ton of leftover chicken, which, fortunately, freezes well.

This recipe calls for both bbq sauce and beer. One of my favorite bbq sauces is Stubbs. I love the smoky flavor of their original – it is so good! When I went down into Justin’s beer fridge (yes, he has a fridge totally devoted to beer in his office. Aren’t I a great significant other?), I discovered we had National Bohemian, or Natty Boh as Maryland natives like to call it.

I have gotten to know Maryland over the past 4 years that Justin and I have been together (his home state), and one of the things I love most about Maryland is how they have several food items that are unique to their state. Natty Boh was originally brewed in Baltimore, and while it's no longer brewed there, more than 90% of sales are attributed to Maryland (thanks wikipedia). ANYway, it's a great beer and it was absolutely perfect for this bbq sauce. 

Here's what you need (from How Sweet It Is)...

3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1/2 tbsp onion powder
1/2 tbsp paprika
1 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp of salt
1/4 tsp of pepper
3/4 cup of beer
1 and 1/2 cups of bbq sauce, plus more for serving
Buns for serving

*If you want to make enough for a huge crowd of people, double everything. 

Here's what you do...

1. Put everything in a crockpot. My chicken was even frozen. Stir, and cook on low for 7-8 hours, stirring occasionally.

2. About 20 minutes before serving, shred your chicken with a fork (it should be really tender) and allow extra moisture to absorb.
3. Serve on toasted buns with extra bbq on sauce, and enjoy!

Hope you all like the blog makeover! I will be back next week :)


  1. I enjoyed the eggs so much this morning I decided to come back for another great recipe for Les to cook tonight. Thanks so much you are not only a cook with good recipes but a great blogger.
