Monday, February 24, 2014

Random Thought Monday

I'm doing this again. Unfortunately for all of you, I continue to have thoughts.

1. The above are a pair of shoes I purchased almost 4 years ago. I think I've worn them twice. What do I wear with these shoes?! Someone help. I am the least stylish person EVER.

2. Is it just me, or do holiday M&M's taste better than regular M&M's?! For Valentine's Day, Justin got me this adorable stuffed dog and Valentine's M&M's. They just TASTE better. Easter M&M's are the best by far.

3. We are eating breakfast for dinner tonight because law school is awful and hard (who knew?!) and breakfast sounds so comforting. What type of wine goes with scrambled eggs? Don't judge.

4. I know you've all been DYING to know what happened after I broke Piper's special plate. We could not find a plate that is remotely similar . . . so we bought her a pie plate. Yes, that is a pie plate. And yes, my cat is morbidly obese and watches her eat every night.

5. Speaking of Piper, I was in the middle of a core workout dvd the other day, and while I'm on the floor doing some sort of crunch she came and just laid on my chest. I swear she was judging me and essentially telling me to put in more effort. If this continues, my abs are going to look fantastic.

6. This is my grandma at my wedding (cutest picture ever). One of the best and worst things to happen in the last year is that she got a Nook and learned how to use the Internet (this is impressive - she is almost 90). We were chatting the other day and she told me she GOOGLED MY NAME. Not only that, but she discovered my Instagram. She asked why I only post pictures of food and my animals. It's a pretty solid summary of my life.

7. Also, it probably terrifies her that there is a picture of her on the Internet. There's also a story about her googling chicken pox, but I'll save that one. She googles EVERYthing. Nothing is safe. HI GRANNY!

8. I'm not one to give into a hyped-up t.v. show, but everyone has been talking about House of Cards. Justin finally made me start watching it, and I'm hooked. We're about 10 episodes into the first season and I love it. This is literally the worst semester of law school…and all I can think about is getting my work done so I can watch more House of Cards.

9. The baby and the puppy thing that went viral - Beau and Theo - I love love love it. I just stumbled on an update, which you can read here. This makes me smile every single time.

10. When the crazy winter storm hit a couple weeks ago, everyone kept asking how much snow was on the ground. I have no idea how many inches are the ground, so I decided to use the universal measuring tool: a wine bottle. We got a wine bottle's worth of snow.


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