Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Homemade Hibachi "White Sauce"

I really debated on whether or not to post this. My nostalgia for the town where I grew up won, so here we go.

I imagine most of you have been to a hibachi restaurant. The places where the crazy chefs cook the food in front of you and almost light you on fire? These places are amazing (well, not in North Carolina, but the ones in Florida are amazing).

ANYWAY, one of the key parts about eating hibachi is dumping the mysterious "white sauce" all over your food. You try really really hard not to think about what this white sauce is made of because it makes your food taste amazing.

I made the white sauce. It's as bizarre as you think.

Now that I'm gluten intolerant, I can't eat at the hibachi place because they put soy sauce on everything and soy sauce has gluten (why??). Sad for me.

BUT, we can make our own hibachi at home. The first time we did this it was fantastic, but it was missing something.

Freaking white sauce.

I went a hunt for a recipe. I tried several. The one that tasted the most legitimate was this one I found on this absolutely sketchy message board. You have to click this link. The guy tells a story about sitting at a bar with a Japanese chef…so weird. But it works.

It's legitimately good. BUT, you have to get over the fact that you are pouring mayonnaise on your rice. YOUR RICE!!! WHY DO WE DO THIS?!

I had to share for all the fans out there. Throw it on some stir fry or whatever you want.

Here's what you need (adapted from this sketchy message board) . . .

1 1/4 cup of mayo (I used Kraft made with olive oil)
1/4 cup water
1 tbsp melted unsalted butter
1 tsp tomato paste
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp paprika
pinch of cayenne

Here's what you do . . .

1. Well, it's a sauce. So . . . you mix all these things together. Blend it in a food processor or stir with a whisk. LET IT SIT OVERNIGHT. It tastes WAY better overnight.

2. Pour it on whatever you want, try not think about it, and enjoy.

Like I said, weird post. I had some on the side with sautéed fried rice, grilled shrimp, and sautéed zucchini/onion (see the fried rice link above).

Don't judge me for this one. You know you've asked for extra cups of the sauce when you box up your leftovers at the hibachi place!!!


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